Friday, March 7, 2008

Days 33 & 34

YEAH!!!! Today- Day 34 - was WEIGH IN DAY!!!! I am officially at 203lbs!!! Woohoo- I lost 3 pounds this week. So I guess, I was right about the calories. My magic number is closer to 1500- not 1400. I also worked out 500 minutes this week! That is HUGE! Prior to this week, the most I had done was 330 minutes. 500 minutes- that averages to 1 hour and 12 minutes a day. (Of course- I didn't do much last weekend- so I ended up doing two hours and 10 minutes on Wednesday and Thursday.)

Yesterday (Thursday): I woke up and ran 1/4 mile on the treadmill. I walked 1 mile home from work (our truck broke down- and Zane had the car.) I then did another 1 1/2 hours of exercising on the treadmill, cycling, stairstepper, and 125 reps on the bowflex arms. I am SORE today!

Today- I haven't worked out just yet- I will this evening- it is still very early.

Yesterday: Total Calories- 1240
Today: so far (no dinner yet) 790

Energetic- Excited, only 4 pounds and I will be under 200!!!! I haven't been under 200 in 6 years! That is really a great feeling. I know by this time next week- I will have made it. Just in time for my sister's wedding next Saturday too!


"Live and work but do not forget to play, to have fun in life and really enjoy it."
- Eileen Caddy

***Today I had a lot of fun- I put on a FABULOUS FRIDAY for my students. We learned all about Egypt. I even made them passports that got stamped. We ate schwarmas and built pyramids. It was awesome! Tomorrow is the school carnival- I will be going to see all of my students. I have donated a picinic lunch with me for the raffle. The kids are really excited. It should be a great and fun day!***

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