Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Days 31 & 32

Woops! I got so busy- I forgot to update yesterday! Todays was TAKS testing at the elementary school- FUN STUFF...

When I got home I had a lot of pent up energy- so I did an extra long workout tonight- I am well on my way to 500 minutes of working out this week!

Yesterday I did an hour of working out. Most of it was on the treadmill.
Today I worked out for 2 hours and 10 minutes. WOOHOO! I did 3 miles on the treadmill, 30 minutes of cycling, 125 reps of arms on bowflex, 10 minutes of stairstepper.

Total yesterday: 1270
Total Today: 1445


I am somewhat tired today- it's amazing how much doing nothing (TAKS testing) can wear you out! As far as health is concerned- I feel great. I must say, my butt is sore from all of the cycling- my seat is a bit bigger than the bike's. :-) But I am working on that! ;-)
Emotionally, I feel wonderful. Everyday is another day closer to my goal. I am really pumped up about the changes I am seeing.


"Blessed are the flexible, for they shall not be bent out of shape." - Anonymous

***haha! SO TRUE! I really like this quote- it reminds me to be flexible- not everyday is going to be exactly as I have planned- but if I am willing to be flexible, I can still get my workouts in and stick to my calories- it takes some work- but is worth it. ***

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