Monday, July 2, 2007

Where does it come from???

I am off of work this week and finally able to catch up on everything that has been lacking around here-- organization at home, real estate, and of course- my Humantities class (which I have been neglecting). I have dedicated today to writing my term paper on creativity. Funny thing- I feel that I am a very creative person, but when posed with the question as to where creativity comes from, I'm not really sure. My paper is a "Creative Process Paper". I have to write about the origins of creativity...

So I pose this question to all of you:
Where does your creativity come from?

It is hard for me to really pinpoint it in myself- I just get an inspired urge to create, and I follow through. There isn't really any true process I follow. Often times when I am writing poetry, the thoughts just flow out through my pen- sometimes without my realizing what I am writing

This topic- which I thought would be rather easy to write, has me stumped....

A penny for your thoughts......

(*You just might help me get an A*)

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