Monday, July 2, 2007

Mellow Thoughts

Whew! Well I set today aside to write my paper, and as luck would have it- a whirlwind came in and swooped me away from it. It's funny how you can be busy and work hard all day- but not get one thing on your to-do list accomplished. Sometimes I think those lists aren't all they're cracked up to be... It stinks at the end of the day to not cross off a single thing on the ever growing list of things to be done....
It seems life sometimes distracts from life. Just when you think you have it all planned out, the stuff hits the fan, and everyone needs you.
Sometimes I think it would be so nice to just float around and watch life go by- without actually having to take part in all the hustle bustle of it. Wouldn't it be neat to just lay back on a bed made of marshmallows and just breathe and take it all in? ahhhhh....

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