Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Childhood Memories

I think I've decided there needs to be 6 of me. I need 1 of me to do the housework, 1 to volunteer for church, 1 to go to school, 1 to work, 1 to run our business, and 1 to have fun. Geez... no wonder I'm tired- I'm doing 6 people's jobs! :-) How blessed we are as women to be able to multitask!

It's a crazy thing when your life is filled with so many different things, sometimes you are so tired- that you don't even feel like putting forth the effort to have fun. There have been days when I have come home and just felt like I don't even have the eneregy to try to relax. ;-)
I can't complain though- it's nice to know that you are working hard and making a difference in the world.

Sometimes I like to reflect on the "care-free" years of my childhood. Now not all of my childhood was carefree- I dealt with a lot of struggles as a teen,- but what I wouldn't give to be 9 again! I remember going to the beachhouse with our whole family and putting on the most ridiculous skits. I was always the writer and director of the skits- b/c I'm the oldest grandchild... Our poor parents and grandparents would sit and endure hours of all of us trying to be funny and cute. I remember going to see OKLAHOMA the musical and THE ALAMO on the beach in Galveston- I had my ears plugged the whole time b/c the cannons were too loud. I remember organizing the neighborhood kids to put on a show- and then charging the neighbors to attend in our front yard. I remember trips to the dollar theatre-(we thought we were hot stuff without our parents). I remember trips to McFrugal's (a dollar store)- we would buy all kinds of junk and then take it home and show off what "treasures" we had gotten. I remember that every year on the fourth of July, we would pop small firecrackers in the street- then we would drive to the mall to see a huge show. We had to drug our poor dogs (our vet's advice) to keep them sane- and we would leave them inside with Mozart playing in the background to keep them calm. I remember joint birthday parties with my little sister- b/c our birthdays are so close. I remember trips to Peaceful Valley Ranch in Bandera, TX- one year my friends and I thought it would be funny to play a trick on my sister and we made a "water snake" out of tin foil and launched it in the river while we were rafting... funny thing- she didn't get scared- but then we all got freaked out b/c a REAL water snake swam by when we were in the water pulling the raft. I remember jamming out to Tiffany songs and Depeche Mode. I remember reading Sweet Valley High Books and wearing BEST FRIENDS necklaces- and thinking I was
so COOL. Childhood was carefree and fun.... what I wouldn't give to have that again....
Well, maybe I will someday- when we have children of our own- maybe some of that childhood magic and freedom will come back.


Anonymous said...

Yeah, all those things were cool, but lets not forget who the cool kid was out of the two of us...We all know that was and STILL would be ME!!! LOVE YA! ~CB (aka: Lil' Bugger...ha!) ;p

Busy BEE said...

You WISH! ;-)